Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 Private Fields An organization may wish to store that is meaninaful to only that organization in TUFF file Tags numbered 32768 higher are reserved Eor that purpose. Upon request the administratox will aliocate and register a black of private tags an organization, avoid passible conflicts with othe organizations Tags normally atlocated block offive ffthat r HOt enough Jeet free for more You do not needto tel! the TIFF adminisraot or anyone etse what you tte going tose them for Privau cnumerated l values can be a commodared in a similar fashion. For example, l may wish to experiment with new crmpression scheme within TIFF Enumeration oonstants numbered 32768 of higher are reserved for private usage Upon request the adninistraw will allocate and register bloc} of enumeraled values fo ...